Sunday, 14 December 2014

Celebrating the Dylan Thomas Centenary in Witney

I am really excited about and looking forward to celebrating the life ,work and influence of Dylan Thomas here in Witney, where he once briefly lived and read his works. His friends let him live in a flat in South Leigh where it was hoped he would dry out from his alcoholism.

We have a great line up of poets reading their favourites and sharing poems they have written that were inspired by Thomas,

We have Peter Malin reading some of:
The Force that through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower
This Bread I Break
A Refusal to Mourn the Death by Fire of a Child in London
The Hunchback in the Park
In my Craft or Sullen Art
Nick Owen reading:
Fern Hill and The Conversation of Prayers and his own work, "Her body lying on the bed."
Tony Vincent Isaacs:
Prelude and Fugue
The Barrel-Shaped Leaf
Dr. Cowan's Cabin.
Emma Restell Orr will read her own poem
Diana Moore will read her own poem 'And I went gently into that good night...'
Pat Winslow:
The Hand that Signed the Paper
Ceremony After a Fire Raid
Memories of Christmas
Alan Wynne Davies:
extract from Extraordinary little cough, from Portrait of the Artist as a young Dog
Among those Killed in the Dawn Raid was a Man Aged a Hundred, from Deaths and Entrances
and my own poem, The bloody words won't come.

I hope we will have an audience who will join us for a meal and or a drink, and offer a contribution to support local Oxfordshire hospices.

The event is organized by Wychwood Poets.

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